How many times have you been told that you ought to write a book? Writing a book is difficult, and becoming an author is even harder—without help, that is. With a coach like Allen, anyone can write a book. He is there to help guide and motivate you all the way through the project. There are few things more exciting for an author than to see a project progress from conception to fruition.
Do you have book in you? A story to share or a message you just need to get to an audience? Most of us do. But most feel they don’t have the time, or skill, or confidence to even begin. You are not alone. In fact, you have those same self-doubts in common with countless published and even prolific writers. If there is one thing Allen has learned about writing, it’s that it is hardest when done alone.
When you have that urge to get your thoughts—your story—onto paper and then to an audience, you don’t have to do it alone. Allen has helped writers from extremely diverse backgrounds and experience. He has helped hobbyist writers with their first novel to CEOs of multinational corporations with their memoirs. All share the very same doubts and passions no matter what they are writing about. Everyone has a story, and an audience is waiting to read it right now.
Allen is a master of cultivating new writers and instilling confidence. He has a respectful and earnest way of coaching and presenting critique. He will alleviate those doubts and help you express yourself exactly the way you want and deserve.